Food Eng. Oguz Yildirim

How Many Calories Are in Cherries? Cherries Nutritional Value

Cherry is one of the indispensable fruits of summer months. Cherries, which are both delicious and have many health benefits, are an ideal food source for weight control and healthy life. So how many calories are in 1 cherry or 100 grams of cherries? In this article, we will consider in detail how many calories in cherries, what is the nutritional value of cherries and what are their health benefits.

How Many Calories in Cherries?

The calorie value of cherries varies depending on the amount consumed. Here are the calorie values ​​of cherries in different servings:

PortionCalories (kcal)
1 cherries5
10 cherries50
100 grams of cherries50

Nutritional Value of Cherries

The nutritional values ​​of 100 grams and 1 cherry are as follows:

Nutritive value100 per gram1 Pieces
(8 gr)
% daily value for 100 grams*
Calorie50 Kcal5 Kcal-
Carbohydrate12.2 g0.98 g4%
Sugar8 g0.64 g-
Protein1.0 g0.08 g2%
Fat0.3 g0.02 g<1%
Lif1.6 g0.13 g6%
C vitamin7 mg0.56 mg8%
Vitamin A64 IU5.1 IU1%
Calcium13 mg1.04 mg1%
Potassium222 mg17.8 mg5%
Iron0.4 mg0.03 mg2%
Magnesium11 mg0.88 mg3%
Phosphorus21 mg1.68 mg2%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0.03 mg0.0024 mg2%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0.03 mg0.0024 mg2%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.4 mg0.032 mg2%
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)0.14 mg0.0112 mg3%
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)0.05 mg0.004 mg4%
folate4 g0.32 g1%
Vitamin E0.1 mg0.008 mg1%
Vitamin K2.1 g0.168 g2%

Note: Percentage daily values ​​are calculated for a 2000 calorie diet and may vary according to individual needs.

You can also learn the calories of other fruits from our articles below:

How Many Calories Are in Cherries? Cherries Nutritional Value
How Many Calories Are in Cherries? Cherries Nutritional Value

Health Benefits of Cherry

The health benefits of cherries include:

  1. Antioxidant Effect: Cherries contain powerful antioxidant compounds called anthocyanins. These ingredients help protect cells against oxidative damage, slowing the aging process and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
  2. Contribution to Heart Health: Cherries are rich in potassium and fiber. Potassium supports heart health by helping to regulate blood pressure, while fiber reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases by regulating cholesterol levels.
  3. Improves Sleep Quality: Cherries contain the sleep-regulating hormone called melatonin. In this way, it improves sleep quality and prevents problems such as sleep disorders and difficulty sleeping.
  4. Reduces Inflammation: Cherries contain anti-inflammatory components and thus help reduce inflammatory processes in the body. It is especially beneficial for inflammatory health problems such as joint pain and gout.
  5. Helps with Weight Control: low calorie and cherry, which is high in fiber, increases the feeling of satiety and helps you to take fewer calories. Therefore, it can be included in weight control and healthy nutrition programs.
  6. Contributes to Balancing Blood Sugar: Thanks to the fiber and low glycemic index contained in cherries, it contributes to the regularity of blood sugar. This feature is especially important for diabetics.
  7. Supports Immune System: Cherry is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, thus it strengthens the immune system and provides protection against diseases.

Things to Consider While Consuming Cherries

While enjoying the health benefits of cherries, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Avoid Overconsumption: Although it is a low-calorie and healthy fruit, excessive consumption of cherries can lead to digestive problems and stomachache. Consumption of 1 glass of cherries per day is sufficient.
  2. Beware of Pesticide Residues: Cherry is a fruit that can be exposed to pesticide residues. For this reason, it is important to wash the cherries thoroughly before consuming them and, if possible, to prefer organically grown ones.
  3. Consider Allergy: Some people may have allergic reactions to cherries. If you notice allergic symptoms, stop consuming cherries and consult your doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cherry

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Stating that his eating and drinking habits started from childhood, Oğuz Yıldırım completed his higher education in Food Engineering. He is currently serving his clients as a nutritionist in his own office.

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