Fitness Magazine

Benefits and harms of pomegranate | 2024

Pomegranate is a fruit shrub or tree up to 6 meters high, but in fact these are fruits. What are the health benefits and harms of pomegranate? Let's learn the benefits and harms of pomegranate together.

Pomegranate has been considered a symbol of fertility, prosperity and love since ancient times. And no wonder: pomegranate trees live up to 100 years.

The word “pomegranate” is translated from Latin as “granular”, which is explained by its structure. The large, spherical fruits inside are separated by the thinnest partitions, between which there are hundreds of ruby-colored grains.

Composition and calorie content of pomegranate

Calories per 100 q 70 kcal

Proteins 0,7g

Oil 0,6 q

Carbohydrates 14,5g

Pomegranate benefits

High antioxidant content: Pomegranate contains many antioxidants. In particular, compounds such as ellagic acid and punicalagin have antioxidant properties. By neutralizing free radicals in the body, antioxidants can reduce cell damage and reduce the risk of chronic disease.

Heart health : Pomegranate may be beneficial in several ways that promote heart health. For example, antioxidants can lower blood pressure and maintain blood vessel health. Additionally, drinking pomegranate juice may lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and increase HDL (“good”) cholesterol.

Anti-inflammatory: The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranate have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body. Since chronic inflammation is at the root of many diseases, regular pomegranate consumption can improve health.

Strengthens the immune system: Pomegranate contains important nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin A and folate. These foods can help strengthen the immune system and protect against infections.

Supports digestive health: Pomegranate is rich in fiber. Fiber helps the digestive system function properly, reduces the risk of constipation and improves digestive health.

Benefits of pomegranate for men

The unique properties of pomegranate have a positive effect on men's health. This product normalizes blood pressure, helps active synthesis of hemoglobin.

Proteins and amino acids, macro and micro elements, Vitamins C, PP, E, group B, etc. It reduces the risk of prostate diseases and increases the strength and functioning of the genitourinary system. Pectins help the body get rid of toxins.

Physical endurance increases with regular use of pomegranate. Pomegranate is the symbol of men's health in Eastern countries It is not surprising that it is seen as .

Benefits of pomegranate for women

Women suffer from iron deficiency anemia more than men. Eating pomegranate helps increase the iron level in the blood.

Pomegranate juice is high due to its composition antioxidant It has activity. Polyphenolic compounds neutralize free radicals that cause cell aging. Ellagotanine inhibits the growth of malignant cells.

Femininity of hormone Its plant analogue, phytoestrogen, regulates the hormonal background and improves the symptoms of climacteric manifestations.

Incorporating pomegranate into foods hair, nails and skin helps improve the condition. In addition, metabolic processes are accelerated, which helps maintain normal weight.

The risk of developing osteoporosis is reduced.

Benefits of pomegranate for children

It is not recommended to give Pomegranate to babies under 1 year of age due to possible allergies and imperfect functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Pomegranate juice can be included in the diet of a one-year-old child. And only from the age of 3, pomegranate seeds can be given. 

Bu fruits, It contains phytoncides that inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and protect the child's body during colds, as well as strengthening immunity.

Due to its calcium and vitamin D content bone tissue is strengthened. B vitamins strengthen memory. When children add Pomegranate to their meals, iron deficiency is eliminated.

Harms of pomegranate

The use of pomegranate generally does not have harmful effects. However, it may cause problems for some people. 

Allergic reactions: Pomegranate allergy can cause allergic reactions in some people. After eating pomegranate, symptoms such as skin redness, itching, swelling, and difficulty breathing may occur. If you experience any allergic reaction while taking pomegranate, you should stop using it and consult your doctor.

Digestive problems: Pomegranate can cause digestive issues in some people. Especially when taken in excessive amounts, it can accelerate bowel movements and cause symptoms such as diarrhea or abdominal pain. If you have digestive problems, you will need to limit your pomegranate intake.

Interactions: Pomegranate may interact with some medications. It is especially important for people who use blood thinners, high blood pressure medications or diabetes medications to consult their doctor before taking Pomegranate. Pomegranate may affect blood clotting or lower blood pressure.

Calorie: Pomegranate is a naturally high-sugar fruit that contains a lot of calories. Excessive consumption increases the risk of weight gain.

If you have or suspect any health problems, it is best to consult your doctor.

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