Food Eng. Oguz Yildirim

The Secret to a Healthy Life: Circadian Rhythm and Nutrition

We know that healthy food selection and quality nutrition are extremely important in preventing diseases. Recent studies have shown that when we eat healthy foods is also important, apart from how much we consume. The name of this nutrition concept in the literature is Circadian Nutrition. What we eat is important in healthy eating and diet planning. However circadian diet More importantly, the logic is: foods circadian rhythm In parallel, do we eat at the appropriate time for our metabolism? In this article, we will tell you in detail. what does circadian rhythm mean, what does circadian nutrition mean we are telling.

circadian rhythm disorder
What is the circadian rhythm? The importance of circadian nutrition.

What Does the Circadian Rhythm Mean?

The circadian rhythm is briefly our 24-hour biological clock that runs in the background of our brain and periodically switches between sleepiness and wakefulness. This is also known as the sleep and wake cycle. Biological activities such as metabolism are also closely related to our circadian rhythm. Our circadian rhythm, also known as our biological natural body clock, changes every hour of the day:

  • In the morning, our insulin sensitivity increases and melatonin decreases and we feel more energetic.
  • Our energy rises even more at noon. As a result of what we eat in the morning, this time period is more suitable for protein intake and synthesis.
  • In the evening, the metabolism slows down and our body prepares itself for sleep. Our bodies are ready for rest and cell repair as melatonin levels rise and insulin sensitivity decreases! This is where the fact that eating at night makes you gain weight comes from here.

Therefore, based on all these, you can spend your meal time. aligning with your circadian rhythm It is scientifically proven to help maximize weight loss, increase endurance, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and lower blood pressure.

Circadian rhythm disorder It can lead to excess insulin production in the body. Insulin is a hormone responsible for helping the cells in our body metabolize and properly use nutrients from food. Dietitians and health professionals are constantly rising insulin levels emphasizes that it causes an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

What is Circadian Nutrition? What are the benefits?

In this type of nutrition, care is taken to ensure that the meals are on time and in place like the rhythms in a piece of music. Not eating meals on time means that the rhythm of the body is disrupted. This is not a healthy diet. circadian nutrition On the one hand, those who fit the type lose weight in a healthy way, and because they eat on time, the weight gain is prevented.

circadian diet plan
The time we eat is very important in the circadian diet and nutrition.

Along with circadian nutrition, it is necessary to comply with the biological clocks of the body. For example, if you are still awake at 03:00 at night, this will cause the biological clock to deteriorate. Accordingly, the increase in weight problems is also normal since the biological clock is not working.

“Our sleep hours affect two hormones that regulate hunger in the body: ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin stimulates your appetite, while leptin does the opposite. When our body is sleep-deprived, it disrupts your circadian rhythm, increasing ghrelin levels and reducing leptin in the body, which can lead to increased hunger and sugar cravings.”

Author of The Body Reset Diet Cookbook Harley pasternak

How should the circadian diet be?

Those who want to follow a circadian diet They can set their own meal times. It is necessary to get into the habit of eating at the same time every day.

  1. Metabolism works fast in the morning hours, secreting adrenaline and thyroid hormones. In this regard, cereal and oil group foods can be consumed in the morning hours. This will also prevent you from getting hungry until noon. In addition, your morning meal within two hours of waking up eat. Remember that a healthy breakfast also consists of essential nutrients such as protein, fiber, vitamins and healthy fats.
  2. At lunch, you should choose foods that will keep you full for a longer period of time until dinner. These high protein foods It can be red meat fish or chicken dishes. (See: high protein diet plan)
  3. In the evening meal, low-energy foods should be consumed. Vegetable consumption will generally make sense here. Low-calorie foods Consuming it will also help you sleep easily when it's time to sleep. When you consume these foods, the body slowly prepares itself for sleep.
Circadian Nutrition Menu

On the circadian diet, ideally aim to make breakfast and lunch your larger meals and dinner your smaller meal of the day. Stay well!

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Stating that his eating and drinking habits started from childhood, Oğuz Yıldırım completed his higher education in Food Engineering. He is currently serving his clients as a nutritionist in his own office.

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