Dr. Didem Gunduz

What is Vertigo? Why Does It Happen? Symptoms and Medication

Vertigo has entered our language from Latin and means 'to return'. Dizziness is the biggest vertigo symptom for people. People who have the disease feel that they are turning in a circular way where they are. It is faster and more disturbing than other types of dizziness. Nausea and visual disturbances occur along with dizziness as a symptom of disturbances in the ear or in the nervous system. Usually, hearing and ear balance problems cause the disease.

What Causes Vertigo?

It can occur for several reasons:

  1. It triggers a brain hemorrhage.
  2. Damage to the part known as the inner ear by bacteria or viruses
  3. Fluid flow from the inner ear to the common ear can cause damage to the middle ear.
  4. Hard coughing or being in loud environments
  5. Various drugs are being used, especially chemotherapy drugs.
  6. Intense alcohol use is also one of the leading causes of vertigo. Alcohol intake mixes with the inner ear fluid and adversely affects this fluid that keeps the balance system alive.
  7. Migraine can also cause

'causes vertigo?' The answer to the question is hidden in other diseases and problems. For this reason, it is necessary to find out what the problem is actually caused by.

what are the symptoms of vertigo
Is dizziness a sign of vertigo?

What Are the Symptoms of Vertigo?

Vertigo problems sometimes become quite severe. In these cases, people generally cannot move, they experience not only dizziness but also nausea. Along with the occasional feeling of vomiting, many people also have the feeling of falling. In the feeling of falling, people feel as if they are being pushed back and forth by someone. People standing upright in their place have the feeling of falling to the ground. This problem is caused by the damage to the balance system in the body.

Vertigo symptoms appears to be related to several problems. These symptoms are as follows:

  • Instant blackouts that the person experiences constantly
  • Being unnecessarily tired from work done
  • In some crowded environments, when people look around, they feel that they are coming towards other people. (This problem is indicated as advanced dimensions of vertigo. People should start treatment as soon as possible.)
  • Constantly holding to the right and left and unbalance problem while walking
  • Sudden dizziness and lightheadedness when sitting and getting up during the day

If the disease is not intervened, the disease is carried to advanced dimensions and the person has the feeling of falling. Not only do you have the feeling of falling, but you may experience serious discomforts such as arm or hip fractures after falling. For this reason, when any of these problems are encountered, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to secure daily life and a diagnosis should be made for the ailment experienced.

In general, the ENT department in hospitals takes care of vertigo disease and is intervened by the specialists in this department.

How Is Vertigo Diagnosed?

The diagnosis of vertigo is made by specialists in the ENT department. Diagnosis can be made by means of different tests and examinations applied to the person experiencing the problem. It becomes easier to find the cause of the problem after the person tells the specialists about the ailments he has experienced before. In order to make the diagnosis, the ear examination is performed first.

In the examination performed in the ENT department, the middle ear is examined. Different tests such as hearing test, reflex test and balance test are performed. Almost all of these tests are performed to find out if there is a problem in the ear. When the diagnosis of the disease is determined as a balance problem, the person enters the MR device and multidimensional imaging is obtained. According to these images, necessary interventions are made by the ENT specialist.

How Is Vertigo Treated? How is the treatment done?

The most preferred method Vestibular rehabilitation known as the method. This method is a vertigo treatment option that the physical therapy department is interested in. This treatment aims to completely eliminate the discomfort experienced by the person and the ongoing complaints. When the cause is determined exactly, the solution becomes much easier. However, when the cause is not found, the ENT specialist is expected to diagnose the disease and act according to this diagnosis.

The methods used for the treatment of vertigo are as follows:

  1. Vestibular Rehabilitation. With this method, balance problems in the body are detected and these problems are tried to be improved and corrected.
  2. Applying to surgical interventions performed by specialists for treatment. This treatment method is only valid for a condition called superior canal dehiscence.
  3. The method of using drugs is also widely used. Such drugs are generally intended for vomiting. Vomiting is completely prevented by drugs.
How is vertigo treated?

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What are the Drugs Used in the Treatment of Vertigo?

Vertigo medicine It varies according to the problems experienced by the person. First of all, the person should stay away from the environments where he/she has problems and he/she should try to overcome this disease before starting to use drugs. If the disease cannot be resolved with such applications, the following drugs can be used:

  1. Dizziness is largely eliminated by oral medications. After using diuretic and vasodilator drugs for a long time, the drugs completely eliminate the physical problems caused by the disease.
  2. One of the most used drugs Antihistaminesis . In addition to this drug, Antiemetics and Benzodiazeplins drugs are also used.
  3. There are also medications that can be taken orally. It is taken by ear with Gentamicin and Streptomycin drugs.

If the dizziness does not go away despite the use of such drug treatments for a long time, it is necessary to consult a specialist. As a result of the treatment, the doctor guides the patient in different ways. One of these treatment methods is surgery. Despite the application of all kinds of solution methods, patients who still do not give positive results are operated on.

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Born in 1984, Dr. Didem Gündüz completed her education at the Faculty of Medicine. After specializing in internal medicine, she completed her higher education in dermatology. Didem worked in various public hospitals for many years and is currently serving her patients in a private clinic.

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