Beauty Specialist Buket Unsal

Top 5 Homemade Acne Masks (Proven Effective)

Since oily skin causes shine in the T-zone in daily life, acne occurs more easily and is an undesirable situation. You don't need to spend a lot of money for the best acne mask to minimize acne and oiliness on the nose and around it and on the face. Since the homemade natural acne mask does not contain chemicals, you will be able to prevent your skin from getting oily and acne. Let's take a look at the homemade anti-acne mask recipes for acne-prone and oily skin.

1. Baking soda Lemon Mask: Eliminate Oily Feelings and Pimples

Baking soda is one of the most preferred materials for oily skin. It is possible to say that carbonate is highly preferred because of its oil-purifying effect. Since the skin is suitable with the Ph degree, you will be able to remove the excess oil formed on your skin and have a smooth skin appearance.

baking soda mask recipe for acne
baking soda mask recipe for acne

How To Make Baking Soda Lemon Mask: What you need to do for the baking soda mask; Mixing 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in a small bowl and applying this mixture evenly, especially on your acne-prone oily area. The main purpose of our application to the T region is; the fact that more of the oil is collected in this region. It will be enough to leave the mask you apply for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with warm water. If you wish, you can refresh your face with a moisturizer.

End Oily and Pimple Appearance with 2nd Age Yeast Mask

Masks that can be applied at home will also allow the make-up to stay on the face longer. One of the biggest problems is that the make-up of people with oily skin does not stop completely. In order for the make-up to remain for a long time, there are also other easy mask recipes at homeYou can apply.

oily skin age yeast mask recipe
Make a skin mask at home, put an end to oily skin and acne with a wet yeast mask.

How to Make Age Yeast Mask: The wet yeast face mask is among the masks that should definitely be preferred for oily skin. Making the mask is also very easy. Mix half a pack of fresh yeast, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of green clay in a bowl. Warm water is added to the mask to make it more liquid. After it has a consistency that can be applied exactly, it is applied to the entire skin with the help of a brush. Waiting for about 15 minutes will suffice. Then you need to wash your face with lukewarm water and dry it thoroughly.

3. Milk Mask: Baby-Smooth and Pimple-Free Skin Mask

It gives even more positive results with regular use once a week. milk maskIt is just as easy to prepare. This mixed mask can be applied to the whole skin or only to the T-zone. Thanks to this mask, which oily skin can easily prefer, the appearance of oily skin disappears very easily.

milk mask recipe for acne and oily skin
Milk mask recipe for acne and oily skin

How to Make a Milk Mask: Take 1 egg white, 1 teaspoon of bake and 1 tablespoon of milk in a small bowl and mix well. It is applied to the skin after it is in a consistency that can be applied to the face. After waiting for about 10-15 minutes, you need to wash your face with lukewarm water and dry it thoroughly.

4. Prevent Skin Oil and Pimples with a Turmeric Face Mask

One of the biggest problems of oily skin is acne. Since the oil cannot be removed from the skin, acne formation occurs. It is possible to prevent these acne with a turmeric mask. At the same time, thanks to this mask, the black spots on your nose can be cleaned and a cleaner skin appearance will be achieved.

turmeric mask for acne prone skin
Turmeric mask for acne prone skin

How To Make Turmeric Face Mask: Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric and 1 teaspoon of honey into a bowl. Then, the mask is applied only to the T-zone and left for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, you can massage the mask with warm water.

5. Peeling Skin Mask Clearing Blackheads and Pimples

It is necessary to exfoliate at least once a week for all skin types. Thanks to peeling, your face will be able to get rid of dead skin. In this way, your make-up will fit better on your face and you will have a smoother skin appearance.

blackhead and acne peeling mask
Exfoliating mask for blackheads and acne

How to Make Peeling Mask: It is also among the masks that are easy to prepare. The materials needed for this are; 2 tablespoons of rice, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and some water. It will be enough to grind the rice into large and small pieces in a mortar. Then add lemon juice and water into it and mix well. You will only need to apply it to the T-zone by exfoliating. After 2 or 3 minutes of application, you can wash your skin. You can apply moisturizer if you wish.

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Born in 1993, Buket has improved herself in the fields of skin care, nail and hair designs for the last 5 years. She followed the make-up and beauty trends abroad during her transition to specialization. Buket currently continues to serve customers in the nail art studio and beauty center.

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