Couples who learn the good news that they will become parents enter a brand new period with this news. The biggest excitement experienced by couples who are counting the days to reunite with their babies is the gender of their babies. Scientifically, by the fourth week, your baby's gender can be seen on ultrasound. One of these methods is the Mayan calendar gender calculation method. (Some couples are so impatient that they try to predict their baby's gender using some faith-based method.) Mayan calendar baby gender calculation method You can guess the gender of your baby with You can try and test the accuracy of this scientifically unprovable method by following the explanation below.
What is the Mayan Calendar, How Did It Appear?
Before the invention of ultrasound, you may be wondering how people predicted the sex of their babies. In the days when medicine was not very developed, people used to predict the sex of their babies based on superstitions. The Mayans, who are very popular especially in terms of astrology, have many studies in this field.
The Mayans, who lived around 1800 BC, had a highly developed civilization. He worked in fields such as pottery, agriculture, mathematics and the calendar. They made papers from tree bark and wrote books on these papers. They came up with calendar types such as the 365-day Calendar Tour and the Long Count Calendar. The Mayans, who also worked in the fields of mathematics and astronomy, had a calendar that predicted the end of the world, as you know. However, since these are superstitions, of course, the results contain 50% accuracy. You can predict the gender of the unborn child with the gender calculator according to the popular Mayan calendar. Because it is calculated based on the mother's age and the month when the pregnancy started to the chinese calendar looks like.

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Mayan Calendar Gender Calculator How it is made?
It is very easy to predict the gender of the baby with the Mayan calendar. The mother's age at the time of conception and the month of conception are of great importance. According to belief, if both of these numbers are even or both odd, your baby will be a girl, and if one of the numbers is even and the other odd, your baby will be a boy.
- First required the number of month in which the mother conceived (1: January 2: February)
- Mother's age at conception (25: odd number 26: even number)
- If both numbers are even or odd, according to the Mayans, the mother will have a daughter.
- However, if one of these two numbers is odd and the other is even, a son will be born to the mother.
For example: Let's say you got pregnant in May (5th month) and at this time you are 25 years old. Since both of these numbers are odd, your baby's gender will also be a girl! But let's say you got pregnant in April (4th month) and at that time you are 25 years old. Since one of the numbers is single and the other is even, your baby's gender is male!
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How Accurate Is the Mayan Gender Prediction?
Of course, according to this type of belief, the Mayan calendar gender calculation methods do not have scientific durability. Trust your doctor to find out the gender of your baby. These methods, which are very popular among the public (Mayan calendar, gender calculation, Chinese calendar or biological calendar) should be done just for curiosity.
Among the methods of predicting the sex of babies is the Chinese calendar. The Mayan, biological calendar and the Chinese calendar, which are similar in some ways, are actually different methods of gender calculation. These two calendars, which are often confused, are used by many mothers and fathers today. In the Chinese gender calculation calendar, the mother's lunar age and the month of conception are required, while in the Mayan gender calculation calendar, only the age of the mother and whether the numbers of the month of conception are even or odd. While the Chinese calendar is more popular around the world, it is actually much easier to calculate gender than the Mayan calendar.
My date of birth is 13/09/1993 and date of conception is 4/06/2022 what will be my baby's gender
Your age is 29, and conception is 06; according to mayan calendar odd and even number shows that your baby's gender will be male.
(EN: Your age is 29 and conception is 06; odd and even numbers indicate that your baby will be male, according to the Mayan calendar.)
26.08.1997 the month I got pregnant 06.june I am 25 years old what is the gender thank you
Hello, the month of pregnancy is an even number, since your age is an odd number, an even number and an odd number indicate that the gender will be male according to the Mayan calendar.
Thank you
We wish him to be born healthy, we would be happy if you share it here when his gender is revealed 🙂
Thank you, a doctor, who is 19 weeks old, looks like a boy, the other is a girl, we will learn more, we will learn next week, I will write on Tuesday
The Mayans say he will be a man too 🙂
Thanks, my last question is 03.11.1999
08.05.2022 what is pregnancy gender
Age 22 even number pregnancy May 05 odd number gender calculation shows that it will be male.
We are doing this based on my first menstrual day. My last menstrual date is September 22, my age will be 25, will my daughter?
Gender calculator yes according to your method 🙂
Ես 27 տարեկան եմ,բեղմնաորման ամիսը 07, կասեք ինչ սեռի երեխա կլինի
Salom meng yoshim 22
Mayan calendarYou can look at what.
20 /10/1984 (38an ans) le jour de conception sera le 16/ 08/2023. Quel sera le sexe. merci
Salom men 1991-year tug'lganman xomlodorlik qolgan payt aprel oyi jinsi nima
According to the exact gender prediction calculation of the Mayan calendar, it will be male 🙂
Bonjour j'ai 28 ans et mes dernière règle était le 13 septembre quelle sera le sexe de mon bb svp.
Thank you
Selon les Mayas, la méthode de calcul du sexe indique qu'il sera masculin.
02.02 1992 11.07.2022
1.8.2022 what is gender
Age 22, August 08 pregnancy, so two even numbers baby gender calculation shows that it will be a girl.
my date of birth 19.01.1997 my pregnant month september 2022 my last period date 25 august 2022 do you think kizj is a male?
Since your age is 25 and the month of pregnancy is September 09, both are odd numbers, the gender prediction calculation shows that it will be a girl 🙂
01.03.1996 my date of birth is the month I got pregnant September 2022 can you comment please thanks in advance
You are 26 years old September 09 1 odd 1 even number Calculating gender by date of birth shows that you will be male.
17.10.1993 the date I got pregnant is August 2022, what do you think the gender is?
You are 29 years old, August 08, 1 even and 1 odd number so it is a male 🙂
September 2022, could you comment on the month I conceived, thank you..
There is no such thing as a guarantee or a hundred percent gender calculation. However, according to the Mayan calendar, you are 25 years old. It is the number of September 09, so two odd numbers say that the baby gender calculation will be a girl. With the biological calendar account gender prediction You can do.
The month I conceived is September 2022
hello, you need to write the month apart from the year of birth for the gender calculation according to the maya 🙂
Age 34 even number April 4th month even number two even numbers indicate that the baby will be a girl.
I was born on 26.03.1989
August I got pregnant month 2022
Age 33 odd number August 08 even number one odd gender prediction shows that there will be a baby girl.
The month I conceived is October
September 27 is my pregnant date. 31 years old
The gender estimation calculation shows that it will be a girl, as there are two odd numbers.
Yoshim at 27. Konsepsiya aprel oyida
Gender prediction on the Mayan calendar shows you will have a girl
Yes, until 13 August 2022
Thank you
Two even numbers indicate that it will be a male.
DOB 13/12/1992
LMP 22/11/2022
My pregnancy month is September
I was born in December 1997
born in 2001 9 months pregnant
My date of birth: 22.11.2000
The date I want to get pregnant: February 8,9,10, 2023, XNUMX, XNUMX
Do you think I'm falling for a single double?
My date of birth 08.05.1990 My last period date is July 20, is it a boy or a girl?
Men 25 yowdaman xomiladorlik oyim 10 oktabr wunda nima
I am 26 years old and got pregnant in December. What gender could it be?
April 1985
last time 05.12.2022
Jag fyller år 21.12.1992 och jag misstänker att befruktningen skedde i december 2022.
Hur ska jag rakna? Jag blir ju 30 to 21:a december? Om barnet blev till innan 21:a december är jag ju 29? Hur ska man rakna detta? Ska jag utgå från 30 hands 29?
You can estimate gender as 30 years and 12 months.
i am 26 years old and i got pregnant on 5th december whats wrong gender please reply
Since both numbers are even, the Mayan calendar says it will be a girl.
Yoshim 1997 March 30 fevral oyida xomilador bolmoqchiman jinsi qanday boladi
pm my date of birth 05.16.1988 month of pregnancy 11.06.2022
Mening yoshim 23da so'ngi hayz 22.04.2022.shunda jinsi Nima boladi javob uchun raxmat
men 1998 09 da tugilganman oxirgi hayzim esa 27-12-2022 shunda menda ugil found yoke girl
I am 1992, last period is January 10, 2023, please CV
Hello, what happens on 20.01.1991.last tattoo day,
You can calculate from the calendar above.
23.06.1999 my age
21.02.2023 My last menstrual period was a little early, but I succumbed to my curiosity, thank you in advance
Hello, can you take a look at the gender calculation calendar again?
Salom yoshim 1996.25.07 oxirgi hayz kunin 2022.12.24 homilamnjng jinsini bilmoqchi edm oldinnan raxmat
You can calculate from the best gender prediction calendar.
28/07/1995 my age
22/01/2023 the first day of my last period
What about gender?
You can calculate from the calendar above.
Yes, 07/09/1986 and more conception février
Mayan calendarYou can look at what.
Greetings chinese calendar gender calculation chartYou can look at.
My last menstrual date 29.03.2023
My date of birth 13.11.1992
I wanted to get pregnant month aprel
It is observable what the breed will be
Greetings gender calculation chartYou can look at.
Assalomu alaykum Semen oxirgi xayzim kelgan kun 19 fevral xomiladorlik mart yoki fevral oyida bo`lganini nlmayman. tug`ilgan kunim 3 yanvar menda xomila jinsi qanday bo`ladi
Hello, choose your age and month of pregnancy from the table above. G is a girl, B is a boy.
Hello, I was pregnant on January 29, what is the gender?
In the explanations above, you can determine the gender according to odd and even numbers.
My last period date is 03/04/2023 what will be the result
You are 37 years old (37 odd numbers)
If you got pregnant in April (04 even numbers)
She says you will have a boy because according to the Mayan calendar there is an even and odd number 🙂
Բարև ձեզ ես 31 տարեկանեմ հղիացելեմ 04 2023 ինչ կլինի սեռը
Since your couple age in April is 31, the gender calculation by age shows that it will be male.
Hello. My last menstrual date is December 31, my age is 30, what do you think gender?
The 12th month of December shows that you will have a baby girl, since your age is 30. 🙂 We are waiting for your good news as a comment here.
Men 06.12.1995 Yılman oxirigi hazim kunim 23 aprel menda farzandimni jinsi nma boʻliwi mumkin
You are 27 (odd number) years old, since you got pregnant in April (04 even numbers) (one double, one odd number) it shows that your child will be a boy according to the Mayan calendar 🙂
Hello, my last period date is March 26, the date of my pregnancy is April 9, my age is 30, what is the gender?
According to the Mayan calendar, your age when you conceived an even number in April is 30. Since both numbers are even numbers, the yeast gender prediction says that you will have a girl. 🙂
My date of birth 12.08.1995 my last menstrual date is April 11, is it a boy or a girl?
My date of birth I was born on 12.08.1995. My last menstrual period is 11 April. What is your exact date?
May 1, last menstrual period start date
I was born on 24.09.1989
I'm pregnant right now I want to know the gender tsk.
Since your age is 33 and May 05 are both odd numbers, the gender prediction indicates that you will be a girl.
Regal April 11, I'm 28 pregnant, what is your gender prediction now?
According to the exact gender estimation, two even numbers of babies will be girls.
Age 34.the month I got pregnant may 23
A single even number indicates that it will be male according to the birth sex calculation.
Salami. My date of birth. 28.07 1994.
Other 26.04.2023
Date of birth 28.07.1994.
Beginning 26 april 2023. The result?
My date of birth 1995 My date of conception 04.12.2023 What is your guess, thank you.
Hello, I was born on 12.10.1987. Sat: 28.04.2023 May I ask for an estimate? Thank you.
Hi 12.10.1987 date of birth
Can you predict the last number of April 28, 2023, thank you
My date of birth on 28.12.1996
05.07.2023 Can you please predict the month when I got pregnant, thank you
My date of birth on 28.12.1996
05.07.2023 Can you please predict the month when I got pregnant, thank you
Hello, what is the gender of my baby? Age is 03.02.1989, month of conception was 13.06.2023.
Hello, I am 20 years old and my last menstrual period was May 21. What is the answer?
Բարև ձեզ կասեք խնդրում եմ ես հղիացել եմ օգոստոսին այսինքն այսինքն ամսին ամսին տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարեկան տարեկան տարեկան բալիկ տարեկան տարեկան տարեկան տարիքս տարիքս տարեկան տարեկան տարեկան տարեկան տարեկան տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարիքս տարեկան
Banned 12.08.1997year tugulganman
Ohirgi hayz boshlaniwi 08.08.2023
tugawi 12.08.2023
Iltimos jinsi nma aytib bering
Banned 12.08.1997year tugulganman
Ohirgi hayz boshlaniwi 08.08.2023
tugawi 12.08.2023
Iltimos jinsi nma aytib bering
Banned 12.08.1997year tugulganman
Ohirgi hayz boshlaniwi 08.08.2023
tugawi 12.08.2023
Iltimos jinsi nma aytib bering
Latest menusdurasya oktyabrin 14. 2023
My age is 24
I was born on 01.01.1983. My last menstrual period was June 4, what is the gender?