PT Volkan Dincer

Types of Strength Training (Explosive Power)

If you want to gain strength and work all your muscles during training, explosive power and strength training is just for you! So what is explosive strength training? How should you do? What are the points to be considered and what are the effects? The answer to all these questions is in our article.

What is Strength Training?

It is a suitable training program for people who aim to increase the strength and power, agility, speed and resistance of your body. Apart from all these effects, it is also a suitable program for people who want to increase the muscle volume of the body, burn fat quickly or just maintain their form. Strength and power-based training programs are harder than other programs. For this reason, it is more suitable for people who are active in sports or who have a solid sports foundation, compared to people who have just started sports. In addition, it is important for your health to talk to your sports teacher or doctor before explosive strength training.

strength training
What is explosive strength training?

Types of Strength Training

Forward Jump Movement

forward jump strength training
strength training forward jumping motion

Get into an upright posture. Lift your feet off the ground simultaneously. Then jump as far as possible. This movement is very effective for the leg and hip muscles and develops the muscles.

Plio Push Up Move

explosive power push-up position
strength training push-ups

You must have encountered this movement. This move has only one difference from the standard push-up exercise. First, get into a push-up position and snap your hands as you lift your body off the ground. This exercise; It has many effects for upper muscle masses, especially chest muscles.

Plio Pull Up Making

join hands while doing pull-ups
Explosive power gesture of joining hands while doing pull-ups

Just like the plio push-up, this move is based on one difference. Take the standard pull-up position and pull your body up. When the body is pulled up, the hands clap and return to the starting position and repeat the movement. This movement; It has excellent effect for arm, back and shoulder muscles.

Plio Step Up Movement

plio step up strength training
Plio step up strength training

Place your foot on a platform high off the ground and step back with your other foot as fast as you can. Thanks to this move, you can achieve stronger and voluminous legs.

Related Article: When to Do Sports?

Benefits of Strength Training

  • Maximizes your body flexibility
  • Allows the oil rate to drop quickly
  • Accelerates metabolism
  • Prevents muscle loss
  • Much more effective than cardio exercises
  • Provides a correct body posture
  • Prevents possible joint problems

The above are just a few of the most important benefits of strength training. Strength training programs have many more benefits. However, if you want to gain muscle strength, you should apply explosive strength training programs correctly.

What Should Be Considered While Doing Strength Training?

As we mentioned in our article, if you do strength training at regular intervals, you will feel stronger and stronger day by day. There are only some important points that you should pay attention to during training. The first thing you should pay attention to; is the training frequency. To benefit from explosive strength training, you must do at least 3 workouts per week.

However, the number of sets and the rest periods between sets should be directly proportional. When you do the training movements incorrectly, you are more likely to get injured. The amount of weight you choose is also very important. Working with weights far above your capacity will not increase your performance, on the contrary, it will cause you to be injured. Gradually increasing your training difficulty will make it easier for you to achieve maximum effect.

photo of author
Volkan Dinçer, a graduate of Marmara University BESYO, was born in 1992. Volkan, who started sports at a young age, worked as a PT in various fitness centers after graduation and currently continues to work as a personal fitness trainer in a gym.

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