Beauty Specialist Buket Unsal

How Is Dandruff In The Hair Treated? 7 Natural Remedies at Home!

Dandruff is a skin disease that occurs in the scalp. Literally, it comes from the shedding of the dead skin on the head. The shedding increases over time and comes out as white particles up to the tops of the hair. This image is also not very pleasing to the eye. So how does dandruff in the hair go and go? This is not only a visual problem, but also an important health problem. Hair loss on the scalp with dandruff, uncomfortable itching, redness on the scalp, and progressive thinning and shedding of the hair can be given as examples.

How to Remove Dandruff at Home with Natural Ways?

Dandruff can be caused by dry skin, or it can be caused by a skin problem called seborrheic dermatitis. In addition to these conditions, dandruff can occur in the hair due to diseases called psoriasis, eczema or Malassezia. For this reason, the cause of dandruff formation is quite diverse.

how does dandruff go
How does dandruff in the hair go? Natural ways to prevent dandruff

1. How to Remove Dandruff with Aspirin

Aspirin is already used in most dandruff shampoos. Aspirin, which contains salicylic acid, is a great help in getting rid of dandruff. Two aspirins are ground into powder and added to any shampoo used at home. It is necessary to use the shampoo in which this mixture is made continuously, without any difference or change. After the hair roots are thoroughly foamed with shampoo mixed with aspirin, it should be waited for 3-4 minutes and then rinsed. After rinsing, the hair should be washed again with a normal, unmixed shampoo.

2. Treating Dandruff with Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is used by brands that produce shampoos for the solution of some dandruff formation. Tea tree oil, which is one of the natural methods to be made at home, is also frequently used. 2 - 3 drops of tea tree oil should be added to the shampoo that is used normally. Thanks to this mixture, dandruff on the head will disappear in a short time.

3. Dandruff Remedy with Baking Soda

Some of the remedies for dandruff pass through the kitchen. After the hair is completely wetted, baking soda should be applied to the entire hair. No shampoo should be used after the application and should be rinsed directly. Baking sodas reduce the fungus that causes dandruff. After the first washing with baking soda, the hair will be completely free of dandruff and will regain its health after the procedure.

4. How to Treat Dandruff with Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most preferred dandruff removal formulas. Thanks to its acidic feature, it eliminates the fungi that cause dandruff formation. Half a tea glass of apple cider vinegar and half a tea glass of water should be mixed and this mixture should be placed in any empty spray can. After the mixture is completed, it should be sprayed to all hair roots with a spray. Finally, the head should be wrapped with a towel and left for about 1 hour. A permanent solution is obtained when it is done about 2 times a week.

5. How to Remove Dandruff with Garlic

Garlic is among the most used products to destroy the fungi that cause dandruff. It completely eliminates bacteria on the head and scalp. After the garlic is crushed, it should be placed on the scalp and rubbed. After rubbing, it should be washed again with shampoo. In this way, dandruff formation will be completely eliminated.

6. Remedy of Dandruff with Olive Oil

Another solution to prevent the formation of dandruff is the use of olive oil. To get rid of dandruff completely, olive oil should be applied to the scalp and left overnight. After absorbing this olive oil, which is applied completely, the hair should be washed with a normal shampoo. In order to make this method faster, shampoos containing olive oil can be preferred. Thanks to olive oil, which is an effective product, dandruff formation is prevented and dandruff disappears in a short time.

7. How to Treat Dandruff with Salt

Classical salt is a purely corrosive product. With the use of the product, the dead skin on the head can be completely removed. Some salt should be poured on the scalp. Finally, the entire hair should be washed with shampoo by massaging.

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Born in 1993, Buket has improved herself in the fields of skin care, nail and hair designs for the last 5 years. She followed the make-up and beauty trends abroad during her transition to specialization. Buket currently continues to serve customers in the nail art studio and beauty center.

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“How Does Dandruff Treat Your Hair? 7 Natural Remedies at Home!” 2 comments on
  1. fitness magazine, amei seu conteúdo. O PONTO FINAL PARA OS SEUS PROBLEMAS CAPILARES!
    Dê adeus à queda de cabelo, às unhas quebradiças e ao envelhecimento precoce!

    • Thanks for your comment, we have shared with you the natural methods of how to get rid of dandruff 🙂
