Dietitian Merve Sancaktar

The If Diet: A Healthy and Fast Weight Loss Method!

In this article, we will talk about how to do intermittent fasting, that is, IF (Intermittent Fasting) diet, what are the benefits and negative effects of intermittent fasting in detail. Also in the article you will find if diet comments and methods, who can not do intermittent fasting and at the end you will find an example of an intermittent fasting diet list. Happy reading 🙂

How to Do If Diet? What are the methods?

In general, diet types tell us which foods we should eat. However, intermittent fasting, or IF diet, is more concerned with when we eat. Let's go into some detail by talking about what are the methods of the intermittent fasting diet, what are the 3 most popular if diet methods.

What is the If Diet? How is it done?

When dieting, it is important to choose the appropriate foods. In addition, it is necessary to regulate eating and fasting periods at certain times. Those who want to do an if diet can follow the steps below:

What is the if diet?
What is the if diet and how is it done?

Step 1: Choose Appropriate Foods

In the if diet, the foods consumed when your body is hungry are important. Protein, healthy fats, whole grains, vegetables and fruits are among the foods that should be consumed. Also, avoid processed foods and sugary drinks.

Step 2: Determine Fasting and Eating Periods

In the if diet, eating and fasting periods are determined at certain times. For example, fasting for 16 hours during a day and eating period is 8 hours. In addition, it is recommended that the fasting period usually coincide with the night hours.

Step 3: Plan

When dieting, it's important to plan your meals. It can also be helpful to have healthy snacks with you. So you can access healthy options when you are hungry.

What are the Types of If Diet?

types of intermittent fasting if diet
Types of intermittent fasting (if) diets

16/8 Intermittent Fasting Method

In the 16/8 intermittent fasting method, we do not eat anything for 16 hours and leave an eating interval in 8 hours. For example, we may prefer to eat dinner at 20:00 and skip breakfast the next day and have lunch at 12:00. When we ask how the intermittent fasting (IF) diet causes weight loss, it lowers insulin levels and allows us to burn more fat. When we are hungry for a long time, the glycogen stores in the muscles and liver are burned and the glucose obtained is used. At the end of 8 hours, the stores are depleted and fat burning begins.

In the intermittent fasting diet, you can drink water, black coffee, tea or herbal teas during the times when you do not eat. Although the intermittent fasting diet is about when we eat, as we said at the beginning, it is of course not possible to lose weight if high-calorie foods or junk food are consumed.

2. 5/2 If Method

In the 5/2 method of intermittent fasting, we eat as much as our daily calorie needs in a healthy way without calorie restriction within 5 days and reduce calorie intake for 2 days. In general, women consume 2 calories and men 500 calories in 600 days with calorie restriction. Of course, this figure varies from person to person and is a general figure.

If Diet Alternate Day Method (Eat-Stop-Eat)

This method, which is a 24-hour fasting method, has several types in itself. Some people choose to stay away from solid foods completely by fasting 2 hours a day, 24 days a week, while others prefer to consume very few calories. Other days are healthy and calorie intake is as much as the body needs.

Apart from the methods listed above, intermittent fasting has a few different applications. But these are the most popular ones. Those who want to follow the intermittent fasting diet should definitely consult a dietitian. Because the intermittent fasting diet is not suitable for everyone. Since it is also a diet with calorie restrictions, it should be done with the help of a dietitian for a better and healthier result.

What Are the Benefits of the If Diet?

made to research health benefits of intermittent fasting (IF) diet

  • Intermittent fasting aids weight loss
  • IF diet reduces insulin resistance
  • Intermittent fasting reduces the signs of inflammation, which is the cause of chronic conditions.
  • Intermittent fasting diet reduces bad cholesterol, blood sugar and the risk of heart disease.
  • It has been suggested to help prevent cancer.
  • Intermittent fasting diet is effective in the growth of nerve cells in the brain. It also helps prevent Alzheimer's disease.
  • It has also been suggested to delay aging.

The above-mentioned benefits of intermittent fasting are the result of research done so far. But these studies are still ongoing. So the intermittent fasting diet may have benefits that we don't know yet.

Negative Effects of Intermittent Fasting Diet

Intermittent fasting diet reviews often say that it is difficult for newcomers to the IF diet. Because sudden hunger can cause fatigue and loss of energy. There may also be excessive eating after prolonged fasting. It is also not suitable for people with previous eating disorders. Because long-term hunger can trigger this situation again. The answer to the question of whether intermittent fasting (IF) is done every day is that doing an IF diet every day can cause some problems in the long run. Doctor control is critical at this point. In addition, who is not suitable for intermittent fasting, you can see these people below.

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Who Cannot Do the If Diet?

When we say who cannot do intermittent fasting and who is not suitable for IF, respectively;

  • Diabetes patients
  • blood pressure patients
  • pregnant or nursing mothers
  • drug users
  • Individuals under the age of 18
  • People who do intense exercise are not suitable for intermittent fasting.

If Diet List Sample Menu (16/8)

An example of an intermittent fasting diet list, which is extremely enjoyable for beginners to the If diet:

intermittent fasting diet menu
Intermittent fasting if diet menu

before 12:

1 cup of filter coffee or green tea

At 12:00:

Egg (2 pieces) omelet with curd cheese

Whole grain bread (2 slices)

Olives, cucumbers, tomatoes

At 15.00:XNUMX:

5 whole walnuts or 15 almonds

at 19.00:

Vegetable soup

Fish, veggie stew or chicken


After 20:00:

Melissa tea, detox water

In summary, we explained what the IF diet is and how it is done in detail. When you decide to do an intermittent fasting diet, you should first make sure that you do not have the above-mentioned ailments. Then, it is very important that you do it with a personalized nutrition program accompanied by a dietitian. Also, there should be no logic to eat anything on free days or hours. If we follow this logic, it will be impossible for us to lose weight. Therefore, it will be much better for us to choose healthy and high-fiber foods. We should be very careful about drinking water and drink plenty of water. Let's not forget to do our exercises.

If Diet Frequently Asked Questions

Which foods should be consumed?

  • When following the If diet, it is recommended to consume protein sources, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats and foods that contain little sugar.

Can you exercise while on the if diet?

  • Exercising while following the If diet can be beneficial for accelerating weight loss and toning the body. However, excessive exercise can cause health problems, especially when combined with low calorie intake.

Can it be applied long-term?

  • The If diet is not recommended for long-term use due to its low calorie intake. Short-term If diets should be applied with the advice of a doctor, especially if there is a health problem.

Is it suitable for those with eating disorders?

  • The if diet is not suitable for people with eating disorders. It is recommended that these people first seek psychological help.

Do you need to snack often?

  • He does not allow snacking between meals. However, healthy snacks can be consumed at the main meals to reduce the feeling of hunger and speed up the metabolism.

Can supplements be used while intermittent fasting?

  • Using supplements along with the If diet should not be done without the advice of a doctor. It should also be noted that supplements can support weight loss goals.

How should the post-diet weight loss process be managed?

  • If you want to continue the weight loss process, you should maintain healthy eating habits and do regular physical activity.
photo of author
Born in 1982, Specialist Dietitian Merve Sancaktar completed her master's degree in nutrition and dietetics. Sancaktar has been providing dietitian services in a private hospital for 4 years.

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