In general, it is necessary to pay attention to salt consumption throughout our lives. While salt is an important source that gives flavor to foods, when consumed a little too much, the harms of salt can become a great danger. In addition to the salt we add to the meals later, there is also salt in foods such as cheese, olives, instant soups, dried fruits and pickles, and this is called hidden salt. In other words, we often consume salt unconsciously. Considering all this daily salt consumption it is necessary to concentrate on it a little and to calculate how much salt we consume in advance.
How Should Salt Consumption in Meals Be?
One of the biggest mistakes made is to add salt without tasting the food. It's a bit of a habit. However, if the salt on the table is within reach, it is inevitable to add salt to the food. Experts recommend not to bring salt to the table, if possible. This behavior significantly avoids the use of unnecessary salt.
In an adult human daily salt consumptionIt is recommended not to exceed one teaspoon (approximately 5 g). (See: World Health Organization page) By acting consciously, it is possible to gradually reduce the salt and eventually start not using it at all. In addition, it is possible to desalinate foods that we buy from outside and contain salt by soaking them in water.
Which Salt Is Healthier?
Kitchen salt (also known as table salt) and sea salt have different health benefits. However, these differences are usually very small and one cannot be considered healthier than the other.

1. Table Salt
It consists mostly of sodium chloride and is used in many types of processed foods and convenience foods. Excessive consumption can raise blood pressure and increase the risk of heart disease.
2. Sea Salt
Sea salt is derived from sea water and is processed in a more natural way. It contains many minerals and trace elements, but the amount they contain is usually very low and there is no conclusive evidence of their health benefits.
3. Rock Salt
Rock salt is a natural type of salt formed as a result of the condensation of minerals. It is mined from underground mines or rocks, not from sea water like sea salt. Unlike other salts, rock salt contains some minerals and trace elements due to its natural structure. The amount of these minerals and trace elements can vary depending on the source of the rock salt and how it is processed.
Rock salt can usually be fine-grained or coarse-grained and come in many different colors. Some rock salts, especially the pink ones, contain minerals and trace elements. For this reason, some people consider rock salt to be healthier than other salts. However, these differences are usually very small and do not make a significant difference in health.
So Which Is Healthier?
When all three types of salt are consumed, they can help meet the sodium needs of the body. However, it is recommended to reduce the amount of salt added to your food and stay away from processed foods to avoid excessive salt consumption and control your salt intake. However, as the healthiest salt, we can say that rock salt is healthier as it contains more minerals.
Excessive Salt Consumption and the Harms of Salt
Salt is the main source of sodium, an essential mineral for our body. However, excessive salt consumption can cause many health problems. Here are some of the harms of salt:
- High blood pressure: Excessive salt consumption can increase blood pressure by damaging blood vessels. It can cause serious health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, and stroke.
- Heart disease: High salt consumption can increase the risk of heart disease. Excessive salt consumption can affect heart health by increasing blood pressure.
- Kidney disease: Excessive salt consumption can disrupt the normal functioning of the kidneys and cause kidney disease.
- Osteoporosis: High salt consumption can cause bones to lose calcium and increase the risk of osteoporosis.
- Fluid Retention: Excessive salt consumption can cause excess fluid retention in the body and edema may cause such inconveniences.
For these reasons, it is important to control daily salt intake and avoid excessive salt intake. World Health Organization (WHO), recommends daily salt consumption of less than 5 grams.
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