In the winter months, when we have the flu, the main factor is often influenza A. (H3N2) virus. It is a type of flu caused by the influenza A virus, also known as the H3N2 virus in the colloquial language and very, very similar to the normal flu. It is the H1N1 flu, which is still the other name of seasonal flu, which is still accepted as the cause of the seasons. When the main reason why it is called H3N2 virus is investigated, its effects very similar to the virus that is hosted in pigs has led to the name of this condition being called swine flu. It first appeared in Mexico in early 2009 and became a type of virus on a global basis.
Is the H3N2 Virus Deadly?
H3N2 With the epidemic in 2009, the virus does not kill, even though the death cases are very high. It is possible to prevent influenza a H3N2, which is still recognized as a seasonal flu, with vaccines and treatments.

How is H3N2 transmitted?
H3N2 virus, It is a virus that spreads in the same way as seasonal flu. Influenza viruses, on the other hand, are transmitted from person to person through salivary routes such as coughing and sneezing. The infected individual spreads saliva particles with the virus into the air when coughing or sneezing. If people who are not sick are in contact with these particles, the virus is transmitted to those individuals. In this case, maintaining a distance of up to 1.5 meters from the person with the flu is an extremely important concept. After touching a place infected with the flu virus, the disease can be transmitted again when the hands are brought to the mouth or nose. It is recommended to wash hands frequently with soapy water to reduce the risk of contamination in this way.
How Long Does the Influenza A Virus Be Contagious?
From the moment the disease begins, the contagiousness continues for approximately 7 days. In children, this period is considered longer with approximately 12 days.
Who Infects H3N2 Influenza A Virus?
Children under the age of 5, pregnant women and elderly individuals, as well as individuals with asthma, chronic lung diseases, liver diseases, heart diseases, some neurological diseases, kidney disorders, immunodeficiency, and metabolic diseases constitute the high-risk group.
What are the Influenza A Vaccine Side Effects?
Billions of people around the world have been vaccinated and continue to be vaccinated. No side effects different from the flu vaccine Explained by WHO. Depending on the vaccination status, there is no expected allergic reaction except for those who are allergic to eggs. Seasonal flu vaccines contain active ingredients that provide full protection against swine, bird and human flu.
What Are the Symptoms of the H3N2 Virus?
The symptoms seen in influenza A virus disease are very similar to the seasonal flu symptoms seen in humans. It should be suspected in cases where at least one of some factors such as muscle pain, weakness-fatigue, cough, runny nose, respiratory distress, vomiting, diarrhea is present.
Is There a Cure for Influenza A?
Yes, there is a treatment, but it can be effective if the treatment is started within the first 2 days. Patients who will be treated are selected by the doctor, and the drugs used in this treatment should never be used without a prescription, except for the doctor's recommendations. Also by doctors Vitamin supplements that strengthen immunity It is recommended to take.
What to do to protect yourself from the virus?
Hygiene, especially hand hygiene, should be given great importance. Hands should be washed frequently, sick children should never be sent to school, parents should be warned with a harsh language if necessary. Children who are sick should be kept at home until the disease is completely gone, that is, for about 7 days.