Food Eng. Oguz Yildirim

What Does Vitamin E Do? In Which Foods Is It Found?

Apart from protein, fat and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals are also compounds that are necessary for the body to function properly. In this article, it is very important for the body's metabolic activities. What does vitamin E do, what is in it, what are the benefits for the skin we will talk about them. In addition, in the article, you will be able to find answers to questions such as what happens if there is an excess of vitamin e and whether it is necessary to take vitamin e supplements.

What Does Vitamin E Do?

Vitamin E is a powerful micronutrient that protects cell membranes from reactive oxygen types by acting as an antioxidant. 4 tocopherol and 4 tocotrienols, a total of 8 different compounds. In general, it is responsible for the health of the brain, skin and circulatory system in the human body. From vitamins; B and C vitamins are in the group of water-soluble vitamins, while A, D, K and Vitamin E fat soluble vitamin belongs to the group. The daily need for vitamin E is for adult men; 10 mg for adult women; 8 mg, for children on average 3-5 mg.

benefits of vitamin E We can sort as follows:

  • It helps the wounds in the body heal faster.
  • It prevents atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis.
  • It has a protective effect on the body against radiation.
  • It protects the body by waging a war against free radicals in the body.
  • Protects the brain against Alzheimer's disease.
  • It prevents anemia in premature babies.
  • It has a positive effect on the liver and prevents liver disorders.
  • It protects your body against feeling heavy during the day.

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Vitamin E Benefits for Skin What?

  • With its cell regeneration feature, vitamin E ensures that the barrier that protects the skin structure remains strong. In this way, it helps to eliminate the pitting and cracking problems that occur in dry and deteriorated skin.
  • Minimizes the appearance of fine lines on the skin. It fights wrinkles and even signs of aging.
  • It prevents the skin from sagging and provides a tighter form.
  • Thanks to its moisture retention feature, it strengthens the elasticity of the skin.
  • It helps to remove skin problems caused by UV rays caused by external factors.
  • It reduces blackheads and excess sebum on the skin.
  • It helps to recover stains and wounds in a short time.
Vitamin E is beneficial for the skin.

In Which Foods Is Vitamin E Found?

  • Avokado
  • Sunflower and soybean oil
  • Almond
  • Peanut
  • Spinach
  • Butter
  • Pumpkin
  • Collard greens
  • Red pepper
  • Red meat
  • all greens
  • Peanut
  • Olive oil

What Happens If You Take Too Much Vitamin E?

If taken into the body in the appropriate dose on a daily basis vitamin e side effect there is none. However, in case of excess vitamin E, some side effects may occur. These side effects are:

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Visually impaired
  • Headache
  • skin rash
  • Increased creatine in the urine
  • Dementia

Is It Necessary To Take Vitamin E Supplements?

It is the healthiest method to get all food groups through food. In addition, it is of course possible to meet your daily vitamin and mineral needs with a healthy nutrition program. However, some individuals may have vitamin and mineral deficiency due to various factors (such as malnutrition, irregular sleep, hormone disorder, genetic problems). It is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor for vitamin E deficiency or the use of vitamin E supplements against a certain disease.

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Stating that his eating and drinking habits started from childhood, Oğuz Yıldırım completed his higher education in Food Engineering. He is currently serving his clients as a nutritionist in his own office.

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