PT Volkan Dincer

How To Fix Humpback Posture Disorder?

Posture disorders are postures that cause various pains and a bad physical appearance in the body over time. It is possible to have a healthier and pain-free body with correct posture techniques that we will apply from a young age. In some cases, our body unknowingly causes pain by giving symptoms of posture disorder. At this point, it is necessary to prevent wrong and erroneous postures with posture disorder exercises.

What is Posture?

posture disorder
How is posture correction corrected?

To the normal and ideal posture of our body's skeletal system “posture” is called. Posture is usually the best posture that does not cause any pain. Since the weight distributed to the joints and bones is balanced, there is no neck or back pain. For proper posture, care should be taken to keep the head and back upright from childhood and to keep the shoulders back while walking. If you get used to a bad posture at first, posture disorder will appear in later ages. In order to correct posture disorders, we should do posture exercises that relax the neck, back and spine.

What Causes Posture Disorder?

The movements and behaviors that we unconsciously do in our daily life disrupt our normal posture, that is, our posture.

  • Getting used to walking with slouched shoulders
  • Always carrying something heavy with one hand
  • Placing the mobile phone between the neck and shoulder while talking
  • Wearing high heels or very tight clothing
  • Looking up too high or looking upside down
  • Sleeping in a bed that does not provide proper back support
  • Sleeping in an unstable position with an uncomfortable pillow
posture and posture
Sleeping incorrectly causes posture disorder..

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How To Fix Humpback Posture Disorder?

In order to correct posture disorders, first of all, we need to learn the correct postures by standing, lying and sitting. Over time, muscle imbalances develop in the pelvis area, causing muscle strain in the lower back and hips. For this reason, do not worry about whether the posture disorder will improve. Focus primarily on strengthening the core muscles, hips and back. Especially the posture disorder exercises, which we will talk about shortly, will help to correct the hunched posture. To correct a hunched back, you can do upper back, neck, and back shoulder strengthening exercises. Chest stretching exercises and neck exercises are also recommended. In addition, regular exercise and stretching, ergonomic pillows and back supporters are required to improve your posture. You know your own body best, so be mindful of how you feel by avoiding sudden movements.

Things to Do to Correct Posture Posture Disorder

  • Do stretching and stretching exercises two or three times a week to increase muscle flexibility and strength.
  • Regularly stretch your neck muscles by turning your head from side to side.
  • Your abdominal muscles support your lower back. Run your core and it's solid tobacco.
  • Do not cross your legs for long periods of time and do not stand on one leg.
  • Maintain good posture and walk regularly without disturbing your posture
  • Avoid sitting in very soft chairs.
  • Use lumbar rolls to support your lower back while sitting in a chair or driving.
  • Switch to ergonomic chairs for the office or any activity that requires you to sit for long periods of time.
  • Make sure your mattress is supportive enough to keep your spine straight when sleeping on your side.
  • Use a pillow that supports your neck.
  • Try to keep your back straight while exercising and lifting weights.
bad posture positions
Posture and posture correction positions

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Best Posture Exercises

You can try the best posture exercises (posture exercises) to improve back, neck and posture disorder, strengthen muscles.

  1. Superman Move: Lie on your stomach and simultaneously raise your arms and legs a few inches off the ground. Relax your back, stretch and repeat the movement.
  2. Core Zone Exercise: Sit-ups, planks and various leg movements (squats, deadlifts) help strengthen your core muscles.
  3. Neck Stretch: Rest your head on the headrest and press your hands firmly back. Press and hold for 30 seconds several times to build up power.
  4. Shoulder Stretch: Engage your trapezius muscles to help pull your shoulders back. Hold an exercise band in front of you at shoulder height, then stretch your arms slightly bent toward your chest. Return to the starting position and repeat.

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Types of Posture Disorder

The most common posture disorders are manifested in standing and walking, lying down and sitting positions during sleep.

1. Standing Position

most seen posture disorders It can occur while standing. While standing, our head should be upright and our ears should be exactly at shoulder level. Likewise, the chest should be upright and flat on our stomach. Also, try to stand with your body weight evenly distributed on both legs. This type of situation should be adopted by parents to their children at a young age. Core and hip strengthening fitness exercises, hip flexors and thigh stretches are postural movements that you can perform to correct your standing posture. Especially in women, constantly wearing high-heeled shoes, excess weight around the stomach and pregnancy are the factors that trigger posture disorders.

2. Sleeping Position

When the lying position is mentioned, positions that people enter unintentionally because they are asleep may come to mind. This is relatively true. However, if you get used to it, the body will take this position itself, even if you are asleep. At this point, first of all, our bed must be of a suitable hardness and flat. Our head and torso should be in a straight line. The pillow we use should neither be too low nor too high. Especially for neck pain, you can choose an orthopedic pillow by seeing your doctor. You can also try exercises for neck stiffness and pain.

3. Sitting Position

The point to be considered while sitting is that our body is in such a way that it creates equal pressure on the two hip lobes. The seat should be flat and the waist and hips should be upright. Sit close to the table so as not to lean forward too much. To help straighten the back, you should do exercises to strengthen your core, hips, neck and back shoulder muscles and back muscles.

If you think poor posture is causing your neck, shoulder, or back pain, be sure to talk to your doctor about exercises or treatments you can try to ease the symptoms and pain of poor posture.

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Volkan Dinçer, a graduate of Marmara University BESYO, was born in 1992. Volkan, who started sports at a young age, worked as a PT in various fitness centers after graduation and currently continues to work as a personal fitness trainer in a gym.

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