Dietitian Merve Sancaktar

Can You Eat Pasta on a Diet? Does Pasta Make You Gain Weight?

Pasta has now become an indispensable food in kitchens. Effortless and short time cooking and, of course, the fact that it does not burn hands, pushes people to consume pasta. What about eating pasta on a diet? while dieting consuming pasta Although it may seem contrary to the purpose of the diet at first glance, there is no harm in consuming whole wheat pasta by not overdoing it. On the other hand, considering that whole wheat pasta is rich in carbohydrates, practical diet recipes such as tuna pasta salad can be consumed once or twice a week. Therefore, we cannot say that it is not right to eat pasta in a diet. We will explain in detail the question of whether pasta makes you gain weight and how many calories in pasta.

E during dietone of the biggest mistakes Consistent consumption of carbohydrate foods. However, the main thing when dieting is that the foods consumed include foods from every food group. Of course, it is necessary to pay special attention to the issue of quantities. The calories you take in a day are usually related to the diet you follow, and as the person who follows this diet, you can calculate how much it is. As a result of this calculation, if you have not reached the maximum calorie value, you can make up the difference with the foods you want. One of these foods is pasta. So while dieting consuming pasta It's not really bad behavior. However, if you have already exceeded the calorie limit and you want to eat pasta on top of it, your diet will have no meaning anyway.

Does Eating Pasta Make You Gain Weight?

It is possible to eat pasta while dieting, but it is important to pay attention to the amount and which type of pasta. Pasta made from whole wheat flour provides a greater feeling of satiety due to its higher fiber content than white flour pasta, meaning it should be eaten in smaller quantities. In addition, by enriching the pasta sauce with vegetables and protein sources, you can make a more nutritious meal without increasing the calorie value of the pasta.

consuming pasta on a diet
How right is it to eat pasta while dieting?

When creating your diet program, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist to determine which foods and how much you can eat. In any diet, balanced nutrition and proper portion control are important.

When eating pasta makes you gain weight when it is consumed carelessly. Therefore, it is possible to say that consciously pasta consumption will not cause weight gain. When eating pasta, you should definitely avoid ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard and other similar sauces that contain sugar. These are foods that you should avoid not only while dieting, but also in your normal life. The effect of vitamins in pasta will be rendered ineffective by these sauces. If you do not want to gain weight while eating pasta, you can consume pasta with various greens. For example, diet tuna pasta with olive oil, diet chicken pasta, pasta with smoked meat pieces. In this way, you will eat a more nutritious pasta by consuming both protein and carbohydrates and healthy fats.

You can also mix it with vegetables to avoid gaining weight while eating pasta. In this way, it will become even healthier. You will also increase the nutritional level. Considering all these, we can say that consuming pasta during diet will not cause weight gain by not overdoing it, contrary to popular belief. Along with a regular diet and exercise plan of course!

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Is it OK to Eat Pasta on a Diet?

Due to its high carbohydrate content, pasta can help gain weight if consumed in excess. However, pasta contains many different nutrients with low fat content, high fiber content and moderate protein content. Also, pasta made from whole wheat flour contains more fiber, less processed and keeps you fuller for longer than white flour pasta.

eat pasta on diet
Whole wheat or whole wheat pasta can be consumed in the diet.

It depends on how many calories a serving of pasta contains, with which sauces it is consumed, and how large a serving of pasta is. Therefore, if you want to add pasta to your diet, proper portion control and the use of nutritious toppings are essential. You can also create a balanced diet plan by combining pasta consumption with other nutrients in a balanced way.

In summary, pasta does not make you gain weight, but it can cause excess calorie intake when portion control is not taken care of.

How Many Calories Are in 1 Plate – 100 Gr of Pasta?

The calorie count of a plate of pasta can vary depending on the serving size, type of pasta and sauce. However, a plate of pasta (about 100 grams) usually contains about 150-200 calories on average. This only applies to pasta, and sauces and ingredients added to it can increase the calorie count.

If you want to consume pasta in your diet plan, you can control your calorie intake by paying attention to the right portion control and choosing a nutritious sauce. You can also increase the nutritional value of pasta by choosing healthier options such as whole wheat flour. To eat pasta without gaining weight to these tips You can also take a look.

Pasta Nutritional Value

Nutritional value of pasta
What is the calorie and nutritional value of pasta?

Pasta is a food that contains many nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Pasta is usually made from simple ingredients such as flour, water, and eggs. Listed below are some of the nutritional values ​​of one serving (about 100 grams) of boiled pasta:

  • Calories: 150-200
  • Carbohydrates: 30-40 grams
  • Protein: 5-7 grams
  • Fiber: 2-3 grams
  • Fat: 0.5-1 grams
  • Folic Acid: 25% RDI (Amount Required Daily)
  • Niacin: 10% RDI
  • Thiamine: 10% RDI
  • Iron: 8% RDI
  • Phosphorus: 6% RDI
  • Copper: 6% RDI
  • Selenium: 6% RDI
  • Manganese: 6% RDI

Nutritional values ​​may vary depending on the type of pasta, preparation and serving size. If the pasta is made from whole wheat flour or lentil flour, it may contain higher fiber and protein content. However, sauces and ingredients added to it can also increase or decrease their calorie and nutritional value.

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Born in 1982, Specialist Dietitian Merve Sancaktar completed her master's degree in nutrition and dietetics. Sancaktar has been providing dietitian services in a private hospital for 4 years.

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