Dr. Didem Gunduz

What Can Celiac Patients Eat and What Can't They Eat?

Celiac disease is the intolerance to glaidine, which is included in the gluten protein of the intestine, as a result of the complete or partial deterioration of the shape of the villi in the small intestinal epithelium, which play a major role in absorption. Sprue is the adult form of celiac disease. According to the solubility of these proteins, especially found in plant foods, they are divided into two as acid-alkali-soluble and alcohol-soluble forms.

The acid and alkali-soluble form is protein gluten, while the alcohol-soluble form is prolamin. Therefore, celiac (gluten-sensitive enteropathy) patients take care not to take gluten and prolamin. Symptoms seen in children are short stature, growth retardation, low weight for age, diarrhea, steatorrhea. In adults, it is fatigue, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, anemia as a result of malabsorption, osteoporosis as a result of vitamin D deficiency, or coagulopathy as a result of vitamin K deficiency.

How Should Celiac Patients Be Fed?

Celiac patients have to remove gluten-containing foods from their lives for the rest of their lives. Because when the stories of celiac patients are examined, even consuming a small amount of gluten food causes the symptoms to recur or increase. Therefore, in nutritional therapy, foods containing gluten are excluded from the diet. Carbohydrate and fat are given in the normal amount that the person should take, while protein is given a little more in the first days. Vitamin supplements may be required to prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies as a result of absorption problems. Vegetable and fruit consumption is free. Within 24 hours of starting a specially planned gluten-free diet, appetite starts to develop, symptoms improve, and intestinal damage is prevented from progressing.

Due to mucosal damage, lactose intolerance may develop along with celiac disease. For this reason, the diet should be planned in the first stages of the planned diet, taking into account the risk of lactose intolerance. Also, remember that celiac patients should read the label of the product when buying a food. He should buy the product with the symbol that says "gluten-free" or "gluten-free" on the product and that it does not contain gluten.

What Happens If Celiac Patients Eat Gluten?

If celiac patients continue to consume gluten-containing foods, the risk of lymphoma, fatigue, and autoimmune risk increases rapidly. In addition, since celiac is an autoimmune disease, the development of diabetes is also possible. If the individual has a celiac crisis, infection, vomiting, type 1 DM, unresolved diarrhea, and acidosis are also seen. For this reason, after the diagnosis of celiac disease, we should not consume foods containing gluten and prolamin.

What Do Celiac Patients Eat?

A gluten-free diet isn't as limited as you might think. In addition to convenience foods labeled gluten-free, the following foods are naturally gluten-free. Healthy celiac diet with these foods in the success stories of celiac patients what they can do It was observed.

  • Beef
  • Poultry and eggs
  • Fish and seafood
  • Beans, legumes
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Chia
  • Misir
  • ketene
  • Millet
  • Potato
  • Quinoa
  • Rice
  • Soya
foods for celiac patients
Celiac patients can consume foods such as rice, corn and flaxseed.

What Can't Celiac Patients Eat?

  • Boza (The reason for the prohibition of the consumption of boza is the possibility of contamination with wheat, barley, rye during production.)
  • Meatballs (If bread made from wheat and rye flour is included in meatballs, it is among the prohibited foods.)
  • All foods made with wheat, oat, barley and rye flour.
  • Bulgur, pasta, bagel, ice cream cone, semolina, cake, cracker, donut
  • Bakery desserts, cakes, cookies, wafers…
  • Ready-made ketchup, tomato paste, all sauces made with flour
  • Peanuts, almonds, walnuts
  • Noodle soup, flour soup, tarhana soup, all ready-made soups can be given as examples of foods that are prohibited for celiac disease.
photo of author
Born in 1984, Dr. Didem Gündüz completed her education at the Faculty of Medicine. After specializing in internal medicine, she completed her higher education in dermatology. Didem worked in various public hospitals for many years and is currently serving her patients in a private clinic.

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